Essentials Of Faith

Sundays, June 2-23, at 9 am

in the Fellowship Hall

No registration required

Christianity is not a group of rules about behavior. It is not simply about doing religious things. Christianity is a real relationship with a personal God who has revealed Himself and His will through His Word, the Bible, and through His son Jesus Christ. Essentials of Faith is a class that teaches the vital truths of who God is and how we are to live before Him.

Essentials of Faith is a four-week class that covers our foundational beliefs and is ideal for those who are investigating Christianity, as well as those who want to better understand these fundamental principles so they can lay a solid foundation for future growth. Here are some essential topics that our study will answer: 

Session 1: God and His Word (Listen)
Session 2: Humanity - Creation and Fall (Listen)
Session 3: Redemption
Session 4: The Christian Life / Restoration

  • Who is God and how can we know Him?
  • Why do we believe the Bible is God's word and how can we trust it?
  • What is the Bible really about and how does relate to my life?
  • Who is Jesus and is there evidence He is who He claims to be?
  • Did Jesus die on the cross and what did that accomplish?
  • The Bible claims man has fallen into sin. To what extent, and is he able to help himself?
  • What does it mean to have a real relationship with God?

"Our wisdom, if it is to be thought genuine, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." John Calvin

Essentials of Faith will help you develop genuine wisdom about God and how we are to properly relate to Him.


If you are interested in a class or have any questions, please contact Whitney Swindle.


Whitney Swindle

Spiritual Growth Equipping Coordinator