We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, inerrant Word of God. While our bookstore strives to provide you with other tremendous, theologically sound Christian resources, please remember that they are subject to the opinion of their human authors and may not represent the reformed theology of the PCA and Perimeter Church in every detail. Always consider what you read in light of God's Word as the last word of rule and authority. Please be a discerning reader ... no matter what you read or where you buy it.
Sunday, 10:15 am - 12:30 pm
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
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Book of John Journals
Journals for the Book of John can be ordered online or by emailing us.
Our regular retail inventory is discounted by at least 10% every day in the store. You don't need a coupon or a shopper card, and we don't have random, gimmicky sales. We just strive to offer you sound resources at the best discount we can afford to pass on. Financially, our goal is to break even, and if we are ever in the position to do so, we will increase our standard 10% discount even further. We love to get your opinions and reading recommendations and are always happy to make title suggestions if you are looking for books on a specific topic. If you'd like to have us order or hold a specific book for you, please contact us by calling 678.405.2205.